Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New toy and New food!

Mommy found a GREAT NEW toy. I love my Triple Play Exercauser. Daddy calls it my "playstation." I dance to the songs and work soooo hard at these toys. Mommy and Daddy say this is the best toy they have gotten me yet, as I am learning and have grown so much since they got it. Here I am hard at work! It's rough, but somebody's got to do it!

Mommy bought some new foods. I have never had solid food and Mommy is not so sure about this new adventure. She bought it and is waiting for the perfect day to start - which could be any day. I am curious about it though. I'll tell you how I like it later when she finally lets me try it. She is going to start with the veggies though - carrots and peas. Oh, and the apples are for her, not me.

1 comment:

AnniePhil said...

Congratulations on your marriage and Kiana, Suzy! She is gorgeous! I'm glad you're still in Denver and look forward to having a chance to catch up. I enjoyed reading your blog!