Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Daddy is funny

Everyone is so funny. Especially my Daddy. If someone screams at me, guess what - I'll just scream right back at them. (P.S. this is a video below...)


Anonymous said...

Suzy and Matt -
You have such a beautiful baby! It looks like you are really enjoying parenthood. We would love to see you guys sometime!

Jen and Ryan

Anonymous said...


Kelly Sapp

Unknown said...

She's so cute! Are you guys coming out to California sometime this month? I thought you'd mentioned October, but now I can't remember. Would love to see you!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! SOOOO cute:) isn't it funny to see how thrilled we are with the noises and reactions of babies?! (especially when she's yours:) Gr8 to c u last week, hope to again soon. love ya!