Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bumbo is recalled...

Mommy has gotten lots of email messages about the bumbo seat recall. The video of me below actually shows how it can be dangerous as I can already pull myself out of the seat. I enjoy my bumbo and will still use it. It has a warning label on the back of the actual seat so I am a little confused why people are going crazy as if they didn't know. Mommy & Daddy are careful with me as I use it, so no worries. I just love to sit up and stand and the bumbo works for me :).

I leave you with more pictures from the Steve Tinetti photo shoot...

"I'm dancing, I'm dancing... I'm in the groove, baby"

"I want to take pictures by myself. Get out of my frame Mommy & Daddy!"

"Just a quick warm up stretch before we finish this photo session."

"Lights, Camera, Action - I'm ready for my closeup!"

1 comment:

tetpbt said...


Kiana is beautiful and we love your captions.

Patricia & Tom