Tuesday, October 23, 2007

4 month check up and photos

I had my 4 month check up today! How time flies. I feel like I have known Mommy and Daddy forever and they feel the same about me. I weigh 13 lbs and 13 oz. today, which puts me into the 60th percentile. I am in the 50th percentile for height at 24.5 inches. And my big brains are in the 45th percentile at 15 7/8 inches. I am such a big girl. Mommy thought I was going to be lower because I am so petite. As some people know, we are also delaying (and still deciding) on vaccinations. I am just too healthy and strong.

The doctor also got to see some of my "skills." She thought I was so strong and will most likely be sitting up ahead of schedule and possibly even walking earlier. Mommy says that's a BIG UH OH and we want to delay walking as much as possible!
We also took family photos this past weekend. More to come tomorrow!!! Here is mommy and me cuddling after the photo shoot - I was WORE out!

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