Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New toy and New food!

Mommy found a GREAT NEW toy. I love my Triple Play Exercauser. Daddy calls it my "playstation." I dance to the songs and work soooo hard at these toys. Mommy and Daddy say this is the best toy they have gotten me yet, as I am learning and have grown so much since they got it. Here I am hard at work! It's rough, but somebody's got to do it!

Mommy bought some new foods. I have never had solid food and Mommy is not so sure about this new adventure. She bought it and is waiting for the perfect day to start - which could be any day. I am curious about it though. I'll tell you how I like it later when she finally lets me try it. She is going to start with the veggies though - carrots and peas. Oh, and the apples are for her, not me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Leggings and I'm getting so big....

These were recommended by a friend and Mommy finally found them. They are called "Baby Legs" and they are leggings to keep my legs warm in the winter. We tried them out with a dress to see how they look. They aren't too bad. They are better than tights as Mommy can get to my diaper easily. Her I am!!

And here is a photo of me with my bear. My cousins Luke, Lance, and Emily gave me this bear. Mommy is trying to find the photo in the hospital where I was posing with this same bear. Wow, I am getting so big....

I don't even look like the same baby when I was born compared to now. Here is a bath time photo from today and photos of my very first bath. I love bath time now and the toys that I play with. My favorite thing to do though is kick, kick, kick and splash all the water on Mommy. It is not Mommy's favorite thing, but it's funny.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bumbo is recalled...

Mommy has gotten lots of email messages about the bumbo seat recall. The video of me below actually shows how it can be dangerous as I can already pull myself out of the seat. I enjoy my bumbo and will still use it. It has a warning label on the back of the actual seat so I am a little confused why people are going crazy as if they didn't know. Mommy & Daddy are careful with me as I use it, so no worries. I just love to sit up and stand and the bumbo works for me :).

I leave you with more pictures from the Steve Tinetti photo shoot...

"I'm dancing, I'm dancing... I'm in the groove, baby"

"I want to take pictures by myself. Get out of my frame Mommy & Daddy!"

"Just a quick warm up stretch before we finish this photo session."

"Lights, Camera, Action - I'm ready for my closeup!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We love Steve Tinetti!!!!

Mommy and I HIGHLY recommend Steve Tinetti for photos. He prefers weddings, but he obviously does excellent photos of me too! It was definitely a challenge to get me to cooperate and smile for some photos, but he captured many sides to my personality. He is a great friend and wonderful artist. He also did Mommy and Daddy's wedding too. Check out his site & blog at:
Mommy and Daddy are even featured on his blog. .

Here are some of the photos from his photo shoot this past weekend....

Which of my cheeks are bigger????

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

4 month check up and photos

I had my 4 month check up today! How time flies. I feel like I have known Mommy and Daddy forever and they feel the same about me. I weigh 13 lbs and 13 oz. today, which puts me into the 60th percentile. I am in the 50th percentile for height at 24.5 inches. And my big brains are in the 45th percentile at 15 7/8 inches. I am such a big girl. Mommy thought I was going to be lower because I am so petite. As some people know, we are also delaying (and still deciding) on vaccinations. I am just too healthy and strong.

The doctor also got to see some of my "skills." She thought I was so strong and will most likely be sitting up ahead of schedule and possibly even walking earlier. Mommy says that's a BIG UH OH and we want to delay walking as much as possible!
We also took family photos this past weekend. More to come tomorrow!!! Here is mommy and me cuddling after the photo shoot - I was WORE out!

Monday, October 22, 2007

I can crawl...

I can crawl....


This is how I do it... I get ready and position myself and while positioning I tend to go back 3-5 inches at the same time. This is me getting ready to crawl....

I focus on my object and then this is my attempt to go crawl forward....

As I try to crawl, Mommy and Daddy call me "Super Girl" because I lift my legs and arms up. But I am really trying to crawl forward though. I just can't figure it out.

So, I get myself ready again and go backwards 3-5+ inches again.... and then I proceed to go forward.... but I am just not getting anywhere.....

After a few attempts, I just get frustrated on trying to go forward... and I just stick to scooting backwards and and getting around that way! It works for me at 4 months old. At least I can get around the house... even if it's an interesting way!

I am smart....

Want to see what I look like with Mommy's glasses???

Don't worry, her prescription is very low. She needs to get a new prescription.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Daddy is funny

Everyone is so funny. Especially my Daddy. If someone screams at me, guess what - I'll just scream right back at them. (P.S. this is a video below...)

Monday, October 15, 2007

I like my sleep

Yeah -I like my sleep. When it's time for a nap - it's time for a nap! Nothing will get in my way.