Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Time... yipee!!!

It was a very busy Holiday season, and so Mommy didn't let me get on the computer to update you all. I am backdating my posts even though this is actually written on Feb 10th during the Grammys. :-)

Mommy and Daddy closed on their very first home on December 12th - yea, I finally am going to have my own room. We are all so excited. We spent the rest of December contracting out some work and updates to our new home before we moved in. So Christmas was a little chaotic and not normal in the least bit.

On Christmas Eve, Grandma & Grandpa Harting came and I opened my very first present. I sure did love the PAPER - -forget the gift, just give me paper & plastic (just kidding). This is also Mommy's favorite Holiday picture with the bow on my head. Where did I get these big blue eyes from??

Later on Christmas Eve, we decided that I should really go see Santa for the typical "baby crying with Santa" pic. But since I am a very happy baby and have no stranger danger yet, I liked the old guy in red. I didn't have to suck up this year since he isn't bringing any presents until later when I might remember. :) So, here I am with Santa...

Mommy then decided to get a friendly pic with a reindeer and Daddy wasn't too happy...

Just kidding... Mommy isn't really a skank and Daddy isn't a mean guy. :-) We all just like to play around. It was a great first Christmas and I had a great day. So great that I was very worn out driving home... Check me out...Classic! And I didn't even drink the eggnog!

Wait, One more pic.... this is me over Thanksgiving with my cousin Sarah. I have to show off the baby Uggs they got me. Is that how you spell it? So cute! And my bunny hat. This is what you call a snow bunny in the making....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Snow suit disaster

Well since it was snowing outside, Mommy thought it would be fun to break out the snow suit and see how it fit. This was a bargain snow outfit Grandma Trainer found for me last year. After we got the snow suit on, we realized this was a bad idea. I immediately became so still and life-less. Mommy & Daddy tried really hard to make me smile, but I just froze. You would have thought the fluffy snow suit weighed 100 lbs for how I was so still. I didn't find this event so hilarious, but Mommy and Daddy sure did!

This last photo is mommy's favorite. What a look!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

New camara and growing pics

Mommy got a new camera and loves the fun new effects. Thanks to cousin Ashley for helping her pick it out and teach her how to use it...

Also, I am just getting soooo big! Check me out now and compare to the pictures earlier in the blog next to the bear & in the bathtub! Click here to go right to that older post.

Because I am outgrowing the infant bathtub, check me out reclining in my new bathtub! You would think I was hot-tubbin' with me reclining the way I am...

Friday, November 16, 2007

i love music...

Mommy and I sometimes go to a "baby music class". I absolutely love it! I like to dance and play the drums....

I really get into it and am one of the teachers favorite students. I laugh and dance to all of the great music we make and that we get to hear.

I also like to play the rattles... We always end the class with the teacher playing the violin for us. This is one of my favorite parts as I just stare in awe at the violin. When she comes in front of me I get excited... and then of course I reach my hands out with the possibility that she just might let me play for her?? But not this time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New food and Early Christmas???

Okay, I am officially eating "solid" food. I am not really sure why they call it "solid" food. Because clearly it is MUSH! It's barely solid - just thick liquid. I haven't really decided if I like it. I am kinda eating it. I get alot on my face and then alot on my hands as I am touching my face & mouth and checking this crazy mush out. Check me out... and check out that mush on my face... ewwwwwww.

So what if Christmas is 42 days away! Mommy found a great hat for $1 that says "Baby's First Christmas." It's so adorable, Mommy made me wear it ALL NIGHT LONG and took pictures. It is cute, but I overheard Mommy saying I should wear it everyday. I hope not. I look like a little elf....

(Also, better pictures to come later.. but Mommy chopped all of her hair off. It now goes to her chin - you can kinda see it in the picture. )
This is my zoolander face "The Magnum.".....

Here is me playing tonight. I want to point out that I easily get on all fours and am almost crawling forward. Yes, I crawl/scootch backward, but not forward yet. It's exciting. I also can sit up with barely any support. I wobble after a few minutes so you have to be ready to catch me as I go for a head dive.

In other exciting upcoming news... I will be traveling to Austin for Thanksgiving. I will get to see Grandma and all of my crazy cousins down there. I'm exited to show off everything I have been learning and of course wear my new favorite Holiday hat!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween


Did I scare you???
Mommy decided I should be a Tigger for Halloween rather than a Leopard or "Cheetah Girl." I was a cutie. Mommy went ahead and bought this unisex costume. She decided that it will be a hand-me-down and my future siblings will be Tiggers as well. I like it.

I even went to a Halloween Party. My friend, Ashley, was a Pooh - perfect to go along with me. She is 10 months old. And Sophie was a Tigger too. How fun!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Gig em Aggies

Mommy went to Texas A&M and loves to support her team on the weekends. I was born an Aggie and a Denver Bronco fan! Here is me getting ready with Mommy to cheer the Aggies on. I will be a 5th generation Aggie -class of 2030??? Is that right??? That is scary! Yikes.

Mommy thinks Coach Fran needs to go!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New toy and New food!

Mommy found a GREAT NEW toy. I love my Triple Play Exercauser. Daddy calls it my "playstation." I dance to the songs and work soooo hard at these toys. Mommy and Daddy say this is the best toy they have gotten me yet, as I am learning and have grown so much since they got it. Here I am hard at work! It's rough, but somebody's got to do it!

Mommy bought some new foods. I have never had solid food and Mommy is not so sure about this new adventure. She bought it and is waiting for the perfect day to start - which could be any day. I am curious about it though. I'll tell you how I like it later when she finally lets me try it. She is going to start with the veggies though - carrots and peas. Oh, and the apples are for her, not me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Leggings and I'm getting so big....

These were recommended by a friend and Mommy finally found them. They are called "Baby Legs" and they are leggings to keep my legs warm in the winter. We tried them out with a dress to see how they look. They aren't too bad. They are better than tights as Mommy can get to my diaper easily. Her I am!!

And here is a photo of me with my bear. My cousins Luke, Lance, and Emily gave me this bear. Mommy is trying to find the photo in the hospital where I was posing with this same bear. Wow, I am getting so big....

I don't even look like the same baby when I was born compared to now. Here is a bath time photo from today and photos of my very first bath. I love bath time now and the toys that I play with. My favorite thing to do though is kick, kick, kick and splash all the water on Mommy. It is not Mommy's favorite thing, but it's funny.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bumbo is recalled...

Mommy has gotten lots of email messages about the bumbo seat recall. The video of me below actually shows how it can be dangerous as I can already pull myself out of the seat. I enjoy my bumbo and will still use it. It has a warning label on the back of the actual seat so I am a little confused why people are going crazy as if they didn't know. Mommy & Daddy are careful with me as I use it, so no worries. I just love to sit up and stand and the bumbo works for me :).

I leave you with more pictures from the Steve Tinetti photo shoot...

"I'm dancing, I'm dancing... I'm in the groove, baby"

"I want to take pictures by myself. Get out of my frame Mommy & Daddy!"

"Just a quick warm up stretch before we finish this photo session."

"Lights, Camera, Action - I'm ready for my closeup!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We love Steve Tinetti!!!!

Mommy and I HIGHLY recommend Steve Tinetti for photos. He prefers weddings, but he obviously does excellent photos of me too! It was definitely a challenge to get me to cooperate and smile for some photos, but he captured many sides to my personality. He is a great friend and wonderful artist. He also did Mommy and Daddy's wedding too. Check out his site & blog at:
Mommy and Daddy are even featured on his blog. .

Here are some of the photos from his photo shoot this past weekend....

Which of my cheeks are bigger????