Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New food and Early Christmas???

Okay, I am officially eating "solid" food. I am not really sure why they call it "solid" food. Because clearly it is MUSH! It's barely solid - just thick liquid. I haven't really decided if I like it. I am kinda eating it. I get alot on my face and then alot on my hands as I am touching my face & mouth and checking this crazy mush out. Check me out... and check out that mush on my face... ewwwwwww.

So what if Christmas is 42 days away! Mommy found a great hat for $1 that says "Baby's First Christmas." It's so adorable, Mommy made me wear it ALL NIGHT LONG and took pictures. It is cute, but I overheard Mommy saying I should wear it everyday. I hope not. I look like a little elf....

(Also, better pictures to come later.. but Mommy chopped all of her hair off. It now goes to her chin - you can kinda see it in the picture. )
This is my zoolander face "The Magnum.".....

Here is me playing tonight. I want to point out that I easily get on all fours and am almost crawling forward. Yes, I crawl/scootch backward, but not forward yet. It's exciting. I also can sit up with barely any support. I wobble after a few minutes so you have to be ready to catch me as I go for a head dive.

In other exciting upcoming news... I will be traveling to Austin for Thanksgiving. I will get to see Grandma and all of my crazy cousins down there. I'm exited to show off everything I have been learning and of course wear my new favorite Holiday hat!!!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Love the new hat AND the new hair!

Hey, let me know what days you're going to be in and around Austin for T-giving!

Sorry about all the exclamation marks!!! :)