Sunday, February 17, 2008

My cousin Denton turned 1!

My cousin Denton turned 1 on February 8th!!! Happy Birthday Denton!

Yesterday we hosted Denton's birthday party at our house. It was so much fun! Aunt Susan did an EXCELLENT job on decorations and the cake and hosting the party. The theme was Little Einsteins. Aunt Susan actually made and decorated the cake, something that my own Mommy probably could never do successfully! (You can actually see part of our new house too - although we have no wall decorations yet.)

The best part was watching Denton open presents! This big bag was tons of fun! Aren't I the best present anyone could receive??? Denton was more interested in the toy presents though.

I can't wait until I turn 1 and can have my first birthday party. Mark your calendars now, my birthday is June 18th and if & when we do a party... I have let my mommy know loud and clear that I want the theme to be ELMO, since I love that show!!!

Let me show you how Cuz....

Thanks for the great party Aunt Susan!

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