Sunday, February 10, 2008

A fun new game

A fun new game is called... let's pull out all of the DVDs!

Here is Mommy and me. A few things to notice... besides how cute I am... Mommy highlighted her hair. Not that you can tell from the picture... but she continues with her hair ADD and thinks blonde will stay for a while now again. Mommy is also wearing a cast. :( She has de Quervain's Tendonitis, and it has gotten very painful and bad. The cast is only for a month hopefully!

1 comment:

MillerGang said...

Kiana is tooooo cute!

BTW-you need to baby proof your electrical outlets girl. I can just see a finger getting put in the one behind the video...Kiana would then have curly hair instead of the straight kind she has right now...hey free perm!!

And what is the "washer woman's" disease....I don't recall you washing that much stuff....ha ha ha.
