Monday, February 25, 2008

Random Pics & Updates in February...

On Valentines Day, Mommy and I received so many fun packages and gifts! I received a fun package from Grandma & Grandpa Trainer in Texas, Mommy got a box of chocolates from Arbonne for being a VP, and we both got our Arbonne order. So really, it was one package, but it felt like Christmas with all of these boxes on our porch when we came back from running errands.

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Trainer for the clothes AND the John Deere cell phone & keychain. Mommy was almost about to buy this exact keychain from the store. I love the shiny silver keys that look real... you can't full me with those huge plastic fake keys... I need to see the shiny metal.

Daddy gave me a box just for me - with plastic wrapping (i love plastic) and a teddy bear on top. I played with this gift for days until Mommy & Daddy took it away to eat the chocolate! Thanks Daddy!

This is a picture Grandma Trainer wanted me to take in this "family" outfit. I kinda look like a boy, Grandma!!! My Grandpa, Mommy, Cousin Matthew, and who knows else had pictures made in this handmade baptismal outfit.

Mommy prides her self on finding great bargains. Since I am "creeping" and learning to walk. She found these walkers on craigslist for me. I LOVE them and she only paid $7 for BOTH! That is a bargain!

And since I can pull up and stand everywhere, I love to help Mommy with dishes this month...

And to save the best for last.... We got a POTTY!! I know that I am too young for this thing, but we are working on getting used to the idea and habit. I am liking it. Again, babies are smarter than you give us credit for. You can read up on infant potty training if you are curious. I am so cute though....

Monday, February 18, 2008

The day I got stuck...

Remember how I learned how to crawl under my Activity Center.... well, I learned something else on this day... If pictures are worth a thousand words...

Needless to say, I only had to get stuck once to learn this lesson!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My cousin Denton turned 1!

My cousin Denton turned 1 on February 8th!!! Happy Birthday Denton!

Yesterday we hosted Denton's birthday party at our house. It was so much fun! Aunt Susan did an EXCELLENT job on decorations and the cake and hosting the party. The theme was Little Einsteins. Aunt Susan actually made and decorated the cake, something that my own Mommy probably could never do successfully! (You can actually see part of our new house too - although we have no wall decorations yet.)

The best part was watching Denton open presents! This big bag was tons of fun! Aren't I the best present anyone could receive??? Denton was more interested in the toy presents though.

I can't wait until I turn 1 and can have my first birthday party. Mark your calendars now, my birthday is June 18th and if & when we do a party... I have let my mommy know loud and clear that I want the theme to be ELMO, since I love that show!!!

Let me show you how Cuz....

Thanks for the great party Aunt Susan!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Just for fun... Growing pics..

This pic is on 2/13/08 (p.s. Go Broncos! This is my Broncos PJs - Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Harting! I also had a VERY hard time staying still so this is the best we have.. we'll take more soon.)

This pic is from 12/8/07

This pic is fom 10/29/07

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's 63 degrees today!

I love the sun!!! Okay, Mommy is the one who LOVES the sun. We decided to go out on the deck to enjoy the sunshine and our view. I wasn't really into wearing my sunglasses, but swinging them around seemed much more fun.

To our surprise, it was scorching hot. We lasted a whole 3 minutes before we had to go back in and change into some warmer clothes. Mommy thought it would be great to pull out my new swimsuit to try it on. We can't wait to go swimming together in the rec centers here.

And again, we lasted maybe 5 minutes this time because of how hot it was. Yeesh.

This pic below is from last night.... I have discovered that I can crawl UNDER my playstation. It is fun momentarily until I forget how to get back out and then start bonking my head on stuff.... I am learning though. I will master this crawling under stuff thing very soon.

All of Mommy's Doulos peops will appreciate this... Mommy and Daddy started going to a "Love & Logic" class for one year olds to learn fun ways to discipline when I start to be defiant. I know what your thinking....How could this cute face ever be defiant?? You just wait....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another fun game & video...

Here is another fun game, well it's fun for Mommy and Daddy - not sure if I enjoy it yet. Check me out on the videos... (I am a little sleepy as well in these videos...)

And the fun continues....

And, yes - I finally updated my blog. Sorry you all had to wait, it was crazy with the move! We'll post pictures of the house and my new room eventually! We love you all! Check out the added posts below.
- Kiana

A fun new game

A fun new game is called... let's pull out all of the DVDs!

Here is Mommy and me. A few things to notice... besides how cute I am... Mommy highlighted her hair. Not that you can tell from the picture... but she continues with her hair ADD and thinks blonde will stay for a while now again. Mommy is also wearing a cast. :( She has de Quervain's Tendonitis, and it has gotten very painful and bad. The cast is only for a month hopefully!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl Sunday!!!

In honor of the Superbowl, I decided to pull out my Bronco cheerleader uniform! Well, actually Daddy did. Daddy was going for the Giants to create a great upset and Mommy was going for the Patriots to have an undefeated team win. It was fun. I watched the game with Daddy while Mommy was unpacking boxes. The joys of moving into a house!
Here I am in my cheerleader uniform....

Discovering myself in the mirror...

Look what I found put away in my new room... my baby toys. Because I am NOT a little bitty baby anymore now that I am 7 months old. I crawl, sit up, and stand up without holding on....
Here I am with my baby play mat...

Daddy took my play mat to bring downstairs (and to get me to follow to go back downstairs to watch football). So I crawled as fast as I could to catch up...

And cousin Ashley, contrary to your belief... I AM a Bronco fan and not Cowboy fan. Sorry...