Saturday, September 29, 2007

Injuries, Coffee & Good conversation

Well my Daddy had an accident. Not the diaper kind, but "I-was-playing-flag-football-and-tore-my-achilles-tendon" kind of accident.My aunt Susan & Brian and cousin Denton came to visit and help around the house. They were a HUGE help to Mommy & Daddy. But Denton and I decided to have some coffee and good conversation in our Bumbo seats. And boy, was it good conversation. Finally, someone that understands me.

I found great interest in my hand though. I was certain I could get this whole thing into mouth.
While Cousin Denton was in town, I went to work with Mommy one night for a car presentation. She made me wear this obnoxious onesie that I can only wear at certain work events. Everyone loved it, but it's a little too sassy for me (and mommy).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You say so much with those cute expressions. You are the samrtest baby I have ever met. Can't wait to see you! We should grab lunch when I get to Denver and maybe even have a sleep over :)

Love, Aunt Kelly