Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm a little over 3 months old

Mommy bought me some jean shorts - I'm excited to wear them. She got these mary jane Robeez shoes for me a couple weeks ago too. Everyone thinks they are soooo cute. I think they are cute for like 30 minutes - then I want to kick them off.

I am very vocal and really LOVE to smile when you smile at me. Sometimes when mommy pulls out the shiny camara, I forget to smile and just look at the shiny silver. I have been working on it and decided to pull out the smiles this morning...


My Kai Love said...

She is a genious I have to say! Auntie Mandy loves you too!! And you have GREAT fashion sense!! :)

Jason & Suzanne "Katie" said...

You are absolutely adorable - and your smile is the BEST!!! Can't wait to see you again (and that mommy and daddy thing too - of course)!!