Monday, November 17, 2008

What happens in Vegas..... goes on the blog!

THE MGM GRAND Lions!!!!!! Rrrraaaawwwwrrrr!
I prefer to call them COWS!!!

We got there perfect time for feeding! They would throw the meat on the window so we can see upclose the lions eating! I thought Mr. Lion might need help getting all the food in his mouth! :-)

Here I am looking at my silly Grandma. Here is also a picture of Mommy & Daddy in the Venetian!

Vegas was a blast! I cant wait to see Grandma's photos of everything. I am such a a big girl and am mimicking everything I hear!

More photos from Vegas on - just click this link.

Photos from Grandma!!!

More photos of Suzatie's actual wedding are in the next post!

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