Friday, November 28, 2008

So I saw Santa today....

(yes, i have done 3 posts today - big WOW!)

So I saw Santa today.....


I can't believe it... I did so good last year and I typically don't have alot of fear of strangers, but Father Christmas or Santa or St. Nick was a little scary!!!!

And of course, we went to go check out the books at the Book Store in the Mall. No shopping, just browsing and playing..... Before Mommy was videotaping, I was acting so silly in the store. Every Elmo book I saw, I would pull out and exclaim "ELMO!" and then throw it on the ground and try to find another one and do the same thing. I probably did that 10 times in a row before this tape was made.

Look what I can do.... JUMP!

and I end with a very sweet surprise for you!!!

Dear Santa... I want a .....

I have over heard a few people ask what I was into or what I would like for Christmas. First, I want to say that I am not expecting any gifts. I am 18 months old and although I love to play & play – I don’t need anything. Just spending time with you, you reading me a book or BABYSITTING me means so much more! :-)

I am compiling a list of stuff though so you guys have an idea of what I am into or would like to see this next year. But again, this doesn’t mean anything and I don’t expect a thing!!!

  • - BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! I love books. Children hard page books. Would like more alphabet and picture books. I love pointing pictures out and saying them. I also like the “feely” books. But I play with books the most.
  • - Wooden puzzles.

  • - Maybe the large Red Brick Blocks – they are very light. She likes blocks, but we have smaller ones.
  • - Wagon – Not needed for the winter, but a red flyer wagon with the wooden sides in it so I don’t fall out.
  • - Small keyboard. I love music. Not a large oversized adult one, a kid one.
  • - Some clothes. 18 months for now. Need 2 more footed sleep outfits and a few long sleeve shirts for school.
  • - Build-a-bear
  • - Bath toys are great too. We haven’t collected very many – we have alphabet letters.
  • - Practical stuff of course: Diapers – size 4 Pampers right now, Thick plastic bibs, sippy cups.
  • - A kitchen set. Mom (Suzy) has been looking at these on craigslist since you can get great sets for just $20-$30 vs. the $100 ones at the store.
  • - So maybe kitchen stuff and fake food.
  • - A childrens activity table with toddler chairs so I can do my “dot art” and eat snack on in the kitchen. This also we are looking at craigslist.

If I think of more I will add it on here, but hopefully this gives you an idea.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

What happens in Vegas..... goes on the blog!

THE MGM GRAND Lions!!!!!! Rrrraaaawwwwrrrr!
I prefer to call them COWS!!!

We got there perfect time for feeding! They would throw the meat on the window so we can see upclose the lions eating! I thought Mr. Lion might need help getting all the food in his mouth! :-)

Here I am looking at my silly Grandma. Here is also a picture of Mommy & Daddy in the Venetian!

Vegas was a blast! I cant wait to see Grandma's photos of everything. I am such a a big girl and am mimicking everything I hear!

More photos from Vegas on - just click this link.

Photos from Grandma!!!

More photos of Suzatie's actual wedding are in the next post!

Suzatie's wedding!!

I had a great time in Vegas being a flower girl for Mommy's cousin, Katie or Suzanne or Suzatie! The happy couple - Suzanne & Jason!!!

I was such a good flower girl! I held Timothy's hand and walked down the aisle with my basket of flowers! It was so much fun!

I love giving kisses!! I even kiss my books when I go to sleep at night!

A little peak a boo at the reception... with my dress of course!

I was slap-happy exhausted after the wedding! Mommy and Daddy threw rose petals on me and I just was so tickled and laughed SO MUCH! It was so much fun!

So much fun! Can't wait to travel again. But Mommy says no more hotels... traveling with a toddler (aka tornado) is TOUGH!!! 3 BAGS, 3 carry-ons, car seat, stroller, and baby for a 3 night trip??? It was fun, but exhausting!!!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's a bird, it's a plane, its....

I had so much fun on Halloween. Mommy & Daddy took me around so we could meet some of the neighbors. We went to a neighbors house (Dru) and I just walked right in. I pretty much tried to walk in all the houses by the way. But as I was filling my bucket with ALLL of Dru's candy... and my neighbor, Luke, came in too right behind us so we took some pictures together. And we both started taking all of Dru's candy loot!

This picture below was the night before Halloween, but Mommy & Daddy thought it was so cute. I use my Ducky pillow at school for nap time, but when they let me use it at home I just hugged it so hard as I slept. So precious!