Thursday, September 25, 2008

My first "school" pictures

I am absolutely LOVING school. I am so social and friendly and never fuss.

I wasn't too happy about taking my first school pictures though... but you have to love the cheesy backdrops they always use....

I look like I am about to cry.... the flower trick wasn't working. :(

And Mommy didn't know that it was "picture day"... so we didn't have much choice in another outfit or a cute dress or something. Oh well... I can't wait for the "group" class picture in the Spring - I'll make sure Mommy is on top of it. :)

1 comment:

MillerGang said...

Yea Kiana! So glad mommy finally let you update your blog. You had way too much to tell us about....she should have let you on sooner. Moms....what can you do.

Can't wait to see you in Denver. We will be able to talk about all sorts of stuff.

Love you! Aunt Georgia