Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kiana goes to school. I'm a BUNNY!

How Big is Kiana???? SO BIG!

IMGP6014.JPGSo, I started school today in the “Bunny Class”. It was SO GOOD! I did fine, Mommy did...... just okay. HAHA. I am so independent and I didn't care or even cry about going. In fact, before Mommy could sign me in, I rushed out to play with the toys and other kids. Other kiddos were crying and I just didn’t understand why and just looked around in concern for them. I was cute. Mommy stayed around for 20 minutes to watch and see how I would do with the crying babies, and duhhh.... I am fine Mommy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Mom is a spaz - I lost my passy and Mom perked up form her spying spot... so I yelled out "MOOOMMMM"... and then went back to playing. I think Mommy had a quick little tear in her eye when she got into the car.

Anyway it was a great day. Just thought I would pass along. I will go ONLY Tues & Thurs and this is my schedule. I know most of you won’t care, but I know my grandma would want to know.... haha. People have been asking Mommy what I do during “school.”

9:30 – 9:50 Drop off, free play

9:50 – 10:10 Wash hands, snack

10:10 – 10:20 Music (We do a recital in March – so cute. Can’t wait!)

10:20-10:30 – Bible Story

10:30-11:05 Art, Free Play, Diaper Change

11:05 – 11:35 – playground (on her note, they said I LOVED playing outside... and Mommy could tell by all the SAND emptied out of my shoe when I came home. Haha)

11:35-12:00 – Circle Time & story

12:00 – 12:45 – Lunch & Diaper Change (I was very independent and wouldn’t sit in the chair for lunch so they had to put me in a little strapped baby chair with tray – Mommy could’ve told them that. I am SO BUSY! – but I will get used to it though)

12:45-2:15 – Nap

2:15-2:30 – Wake up, Sign out (I didn’t even care when Mommy picked me up. I didn’t even notice her or seem to be excited... which is good that I don't show major separation anxiety... atleast today. It was funny.)

My little backpack.... :-)

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