Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aunt Georgia came to play!

My Aunt Georgia came up from Texas to play and help babysit while Mommy & Daddy went to a Marriage Retreat. It was soo much fun to hang out with Aunt Georgia. I learned so much from Aunt Georgia like...there are bees on my sippy cup and I also learned to eat cheese from the back of my hand. Mommy actually changed the post date of this entry, but weeks later I am still looking for that bee on the sippy cup and I will still get frustrated if my cheese isn't cut so I can eat it off my hand. (Mommy says "Thanks Georgia" :-) )

Aunt Georgia is so much better at blogging and made a video montage of me on her visit. It shows us at the pumpkin patch, trying on my Halloween costume, playing, and going to The Children's Museum.

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