Thursday, October 30, 2008

Saying so many words

I am saying so many words and mimicking everything I hear ("Uh Oh" says Mommy about mimicking). Here is a video of Daddy reading a book with me. And I have to let you guys know the book is a Barney & Baby Bop book on foods.... and just so you know this was a hand me down. I am a cool 16 month old girl... and I wouldn't have chosen this book in my library if I had a choice. I am way more into Happy Feet and Little Einsteins. :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ducky Fun

Okay, so Grandma Trainer bought me this Chicken/Duck costume before I was born. I think Aunt Abby might have helped her or encouraged her on this buy? Mommy and Daddy forgot they had this silly costume in the closet, but Mommy thankfully remembered a few days before Halloween. It was at night and I was in a SUPER SILLY mood! We didn't catch half of the hilarity on video - darn it. Here are 2 videos on here. One of my new words I say is "Peeka" - which stands for "Peek-a-boo". I also will say "Peek-a-Baah" too. It's cute.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aunt Georgia came to play!

My Aunt Georgia came up from Texas to play and help babysit while Mommy & Daddy went to a Marriage Retreat. It was soo much fun to hang out with Aunt Georgia. I learned so much from Aunt Georgia like...there are bees on my sippy cup and I also learned to eat cheese from the back of my hand. Mommy actually changed the post date of this entry, but weeks later I am still looking for that bee on the sippy cup and I will still get frustrated if my cheese isn't cut so I can eat it off my hand. (Mommy says "Thanks Georgia" :-) )

Aunt Georgia is so much better at blogging and made a video montage of me on her visit. It shows us at the pumpkin patch, trying on my Halloween costume, playing, and going to The Children's Museum.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Trip to the Mountains

Grandma & Grandpa Trainer came to visit and we all went to stay up in the Rocky Mountains. It was a blast! Here is one of my winter coats - It is so soft and I love wearing it.

One of my new favorite words is "COOOOWWWWW" and I like to call everything "COWS". It worked out perfectly for seeing the Elk since the Female Elk are also called "cows." Here I am yelling at the "COOOOOWWWWS".

Grandpa Trainer has also taken on the "Mommy Face" with Kiana:

Before we left the mountains... Grandma, Mommy, and me went on a walk where I decided to sit on EVERY pumpkin to find the perfect seat. This one worked well!

We realized being in the mountains that I have no winter hat or gloves that fit... so here is my new gear! I love these gloves!