Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first ART projects

In school we do arts and crafts and I have already brought home a few masterpieces! This month we are studying "friends & family" and the color "Red."

This is my most recent art that I brought home on September 23rd. I decided to give it to my Dad for his birthday on the 25th. He was so excited and wants to take it to work.

This is my red ladybug.

This is my dot art. The teachers told Mommay & Daddy that we will do ALOT of dot art because I really like it and it's easy. This was my first masterpiece to come on September 11th.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My first "school" pictures

I am absolutely LOVING school. I am so social and friendly and never fuss.

I wasn't too happy about taking my first school pictures though... but you have to love the cheesy backdrops they always use....

I look like I am about to cry.... the flower trick wasn't working. :(

And Mommy didn't know that it was "picture day"... so we didn't have much choice in another outfit or a cute dress or something. Oh well... I can't wait for the "group" class picture in the Spring - I'll make sure Mommy is on top of it. :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kiana goes to school. I'm a BUNNY!

How Big is Kiana???? SO BIG!

IMGP6014.JPGSo, I started school today in the “Bunny Class”. It was SO GOOD! I did fine, Mommy did...... just okay. HAHA. I am so independent and I didn't care or even cry about going. In fact, before Mommy could sign me in, I rushed out to play with the toys and other kids. Other kiddos were crying and I just didn’t understand why and just looked around in concern for them. I was cute. Mommy stayed around for 20 minutes to watch and see how I would do with the crying babies, and duhhh.... I am fine Mommy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Mom is a spaz - I lost my passy and Mom perked up form her spying spot... so I yelled out "MOOOMMMM"... and then went back to playing. I think Mommy had a quick little tear in her eye when she got into the car.

Anyway it was a great day. Just thought I would pass along. I will go ONLY Tues & Thurs and this is my schedule. I know most of you won’t care, but I know my grandma would want to know.... haha. People have been asking Mommy what I do during “school.”

9:30 – 9:50 Drop off, free play

9:50 – 10:10 Wash hands, snack

10:10 – 10:20 Music (We do a recital in March – so cute. Can’t wait!)

10:20-10:30 – Bible Story

10:30-11:05 Art, Free Play, Diaper Change

11:05 – 11:35 – playground (on her note, they said I LOVED playing outside... and Mommy could tell by all the SAND emptied out of my shoe when I came home. Haha)

11:35-12:00 – Circle Time & story

12:00 – 12:45 – Lunch & Diaper Change (I was very independent and wouldn’t sit in the chair for lunch so they had to put me in a little strapped baby chair with tray – Mommy could’ve told them that. I am SO BUSY! – but I will get used to it though)

12:45-2:15 – Nap

2:15-2:30 – Wake up, Sign out (I didn’t even care when Mommy picked me up. I didn’t even notice her or seem to be excited... which is good that I don't show major separation anxiety... atleast today. It was funny.)

My little backpack.... :-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Reunion

Like I mentioned we went to Austin, TX for Labor Day! We had a blast - we kept very BUSY! One of the first things we did with all of the family is go to the Oasis - one of Mommy's favorite restaurants, Famous for their sunsets...

Here is Daddy & I with a part of the sunset behind us.

I also went up to the top floor to the LIVE MUSIC & DANCING!!! It was already way past my bedtime, but I wish we would have come up there earlier. This was where the real party was!!! I met a friend there and we danced together some.... but to be honest, I kinda stole the show. I am so outgoing and such a ham and loved everyone smiling and laughing at me. The musician also dedicated a song to us babies ... "Daughters" by John Mayer... how sweet! :-)

We also went to go visit Grandpas store, Georgetown Farm Supply. I played with the live baby ducks and chicks... which I almost strangled on accident. I think I am a little young to play with those babes. But I hit the JACKPOT with the John Deere toys. I took it upon myself to "test" out ALL of these toys and to make sure they would be good gifts for kids for Christmas. They passed GREAT!

The BEST highlight from my trip is going to my FIRST AGGIE FOOTBALL GAME! GIG EM AGGIES.

I lasted for the first half and half time, but then Mommy and I left to eat some dinner and meet one of Mommy's old college friends, Marci. Congrats to her - as she is expecting her first child. I was obviously being silly in this picture and looking up at the fan.

The last night of the trip for me we celebrated all of the August & September birthdays on the Trainer side. I love cake! Yum!