Tuesday, August 26, 2008


August just flew by! And now I am on my way to start school! I am saying more and more words and even singing songs. One of my favorite songs is this obnoxious rap song with a catchy chorus that goes "Low, Low, Low, Low, Low" - I love to say "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah" right on beat to the song. I'll even sing it without you even knowing the song is ON, but I will hear just a little bit of it and I am singing my part!

Another new thing is "The Mommy Face!" So, Mommy used to open her mouth big for pictures just to be silly and now she has taught me how to do that too. All you have to say is "Do the Mommy Face" and I go.....

The big things in August was getting my first hair cut! It was so much fun! They styled my hair and even put glitter in it. Mommy & Daddy took me to Lollilocks for my first hair cut. Next time, Mommy said she would just cut it herself. YIKES!!!

Also in August Aunt Elizabeth came to visit Mommy and Me! This was so much fun. We went swimming, went to the park, and just played so much! I love all of my extended family so much.

We also took a family Labor Day trip to Austin for a reunion and some fun. I had a blast and have so many photos and videos from the trip to share! But for another post! :-)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Belleview Petting Zoo & The Denver Aquarium

Grandpa & Grandma Trainer were in town after going on their Alaskan cruise. Don't you just feel so sorry for them?? Just kidding, they deserve it. While they were in town, we did some fun stuff...

Belleview Petting Zoo
It's a $1. Needless I say anymore?? No really, I did love it. It wasn't magnificent, but absolutely worth my $1. They also had a train ride and the best part was the free park and river that I could not resist to get in. I do highly recommend this and hope to go back.

I am going to get these chickens.... I am so close!

Time to play in the river!!!

Here we are on the train above. Grandpa Trainer is always so serious.

Denver Aquarium
I didn't realize how much I LOVED fish until going to this place. So much "Wa-Ter" - as that is one of my FAVORITE WORDS to say. I will see a fountain in the distance and will tell you "Wa-ter" when you didn't even see it. I know water, I love my water, and i will say water 24/7 if I want! Here are some pictures from the Aquarium...

Another highlight from Grandma & Grandpa coming to town was this cool blue bag that I loved to play with. In fact, Mommy loved it so much that she carried me around in it. She thought this would be a good way to go shopping... some people carry their doggies in purses, but Mommy likes to carry ME! In BOTH pictures, I am in the bag hanging out and having a blast!