Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Bithday to me!!!

Today we celebrated my Birthday in Denver! Yay! Happy Birthday to me - I am one!

My big milestones the week before my birthday is crawling backwards down the stairs (no more trying to scoot forward and giving Mommy a heart attack). I am copying more and more words and can even hold up my finger when someone says "How old are you?" - And it's the #1 finger... not the bad finger silly people!

We had a Hawaiian Elmo theme - Hawaiian for the adults and for the start of summer... and Elmo for me since I love that Elmo song on Sesame Street. I especially LOVED all of the decorations Mommy put in the kitchen. I would look and go "Woaaahhhh" and point to Elmo all the time.

I LOVED all of my gifts too! BIG Thank you to all of my friends and family who were so generous to a 1 year old. I loved the pretty wrapping and really got into opening my gifts and taking them away from Mommy. I am such a BIG GIRL!

Click here for the full photos from Ofoto! There are also captions talking about the day & events.

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