Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My 1 year old Photo Shoot!!!

Yay! We took photos for me turning 1! Since we really didn't do professional pictures throughout the whole year, we wanted to make sure and get some at this HUGE milestone! We had fun with Steve Tinetti again as always and got some great shots in our own backyard! :-) Enjoy!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Bithday to me!!!

Today we celebrated my Birthday in Denver! Yay! Happy Birthday to me - I am one!

My big milestones the week before my birthday is crawling backwards down the stairs (no more trying to scoot forward and giving Mommy a heart attack). I am copying more and more words and can even hold up my finger when someone says "How old are you?" - And it's the #1 finger... not the bad finger silly people!

We had a Hawaiian Elmo theme - Hawaiian for the adults and for the start of summer... and Elmo for me since I love that Elmo song on Sesame Street. I especially LOVED all of the decorations Mommy put in the kitchen. I would look and go "Woaaahhhh" and point to Elmo all the time.

I LOVED all of my gifts too! BIG Thank you to all of my friends and family who were so generous to a 1 year old. I loved the pretty wrapping and really got into opening my gifts and taking them away from Mommy. I am such a BIG GIRL!

Click here for the full photos from Ofoto! There are also captions talking about the day & events.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So, I have picked up a few dancing moves...

I love to watch all of those dancing shows with my Momma and I wanted to show you some of my moves....