Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So, Mommy hasn't been keeping up with the blog too well... which she has to keep up with it for me to actually write something. Just because I can't talk clearly yet, doesn't mean that I have nothing to say...

So we are going to do monthly updates and backdate them... Sorry - it's not cheating in my book... Mommy is too anal to do posts out of order so we are manually putting them in order.

SO March!!! ALOT happened!

Obviously you saw me start saying a few words. But wouldn't you know that video below is a RARE occasion that Mommy got on tape. I am a babbler, but not quite making great words out like it seemed in that video...

But for March...

I actually DID start WALKING and that was the major feat to accomplish. I am an early walker - I started around right at 9 months - which was mid-March! It is amazing the progression of walking and then all of a sudden I am running. yikes! (And to be honest, this is part of the reason for the lack of blogging.... I am ALL over the place!)

Mommy and Daddy also hosted a House Warming Party finally since moving into our new house. Wonderful friends came over to visit and we cooked out for the day. Mommy put me in a ridiculous flower hat - of course everyone thought it was so cute!
I also started signing class this month for the first time. I am taking signing with Mommy at this Signing Smart program. It is a fantastic class! Very interactive with toys, songs, and learning about 10-15 signs per class.

Grandma & Grandpa Trainer also came up to visit me for EASTER! Easter was in march - which is pretty crazy. I got my first chance at stealing all the eggs.... or I mean finding them or hunting them?. We went with my neighbor Elaine and her little boy, Luke! I really enjoyed shaking the eggs and hearing all the goodies inside.

Click here for the full Ofoto picture from Grandma & Grandpa from their visit... includes - opening Easter basket from Aunt Geogia & Cousin Rebekah.... pictures from friends at our House Warming party...going to hunt for Eggs with neighbor Luke...my Easter dress... going on walk with Mommy & Daddy...and making Daddy hunt for Eggs in the house. :-)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Bye Bye Daddy"

I like to mimic words and sounds I hear. I am learning so much. Watch me in the video - I wave, almost say "Bye Bye" and "Daddy". Us babies are smarter than people give us credit for.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

New developments - clapping & bulldozing

This is the very first day that I clapped my hands..... Mommy has been working with me as we see other babies clap their hands. And now I can't stop clapping!
(This is a short video below...)

And I am SO strong and smart... don't turn your back on me!
I can escape almost any baby play yard... I normally can maneuver a gate to squeeze through in between the sofa, but today I learned that I can just push the gate and bulldoze it over...
(This is a short video below...)

I have also FINALLY learned how to hold the sippy cup!!! I love ice water!!!