Friday, January 25, 2008

January updates & pics

Well, January just flew by! We moved into our new house basically on January 1st, Grandma and Grandpa Trainer came to visit for a week, Grandma stayed an extra 2 weeks, and then I went to Texas with Grandma & Mommy for work & play. Wheewww. The unfortunate part is Daddy got the flu and so I missed out on playing with him. When I was in Texas, I then got sick as well, not the flu thank goodness. It was a tough month. Everyone basically got sick or had colds. We did have some fun days of course as we always do.

Aunt Susan & Cousin Denton came to visit and so I got to play with him... The other pic is Daddy and his sister, Aunt Susan with their babies (Denton and me). The view is off the deck in our new house!

This is Mommy's favorite outfit. It's the only outfit she bought before I was born. Check me out discovering this new fancy skirt I had on... Don't I look prissy? :-) and then a pic in my winter hat.

I have a funny/sad story about me when I was sick. When I wake up from naps or in the morning, I like to stand up and start yelling "Woah," "Woah," "Woah." Grandma Trainer says it sounds like I am saying "Hello"... like "Hello, come and get me!" It's pretty funny and cute. Well, when I was sick and I woke up from my nap, I would lay in my bed (not stand up) and just moan my woahs to get someone to get me. It was so sad and cute, but everyone definitely knew that I was sick!